SARMAC XI Invited Symposia

We have a powerful program of invited symposia (see the Program for further details on these, plus two dozen other terrific symposia):

Alan Kingstone (UBC): Visual attention in multifacted, dynamic, social environments

Bob Gifford (UVic):  Climate-change psychology

Chris Meissner (Iowa State): Applied Cognitive Approaches to Discerning Truth and Deception

Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (U Amsterdam): Bayesian Data Analysis in Applied Cognitive Contexts (note that this differs from the pre-conference workshop, which is a hands-on training experience)

Jonathan Schooler (UCSB) and Jonathan Smallwood (York): Mind Wandering in the Real World

Justice Lynn Smith (B.C. Supreme Court) and Craig Jones (Thompson Rivers University): Real-world Judicial Decision Making

Naka Mikiko (Hokudai University): Psychology and Law

Neil Brewer (Flinders University): Brewer's Pick of Hot New Eyewitness Identification Science

Andrea Piccinin and Scott M. Hofer (UVic):  Cognitive Aging Gracefully

Suparna Rajaram (Stony Brook University) and Maryanne Garry (Victoria U Wellington): Women in Cognitive Science symposium on time management

Susan Bluck (University of Florida) and Monisha Pasapathi (University of Utah):  The Psychological Construction of Time in Memory

Tom Spalek (SFU): Driving